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Full fibre deployment expansion

Although the UK has been slow in deploying fibre to the premises (FTTP or “full fibre”) compared with some other countries, commercial investment in FTTP is gaining momentum with major investments by established and alternative network operators. Over 5 million premises are now within areas in the UK where a full fibre service is available.

The UK government’s industrial strategy has the aim of connecting 15 million premises to full fibre broadband by 2025 and provide full fibre broadband coverage across all the UK by 2033.

Such a deployment expansion will require many more personnel with the necessary skills and knowledge to install, test and maintain the access networks that deliver FTTP services.

Digital apprenticeships are an important supply route for trained personnel in the telecoms and ICT sectors and PTT courses provide a Covid-secure and cost-effective method of delivering the knowledge requirements of such apprenticeships.

PTT has just released a new online course “Telecoms testing and fault-finding” course which together with its companion course “Telecoms access networks” supports the delivery of the new Telecoms field operative apprenticeship standard.