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5G standing alone?

5G base station

As with any new generation of mobile system the benefits of 5G sold to the public mainly centre on the improvements in download speeds. While 5G does offer a significant speed increase for Internet access, there are many other advantages for both the service provider and its customers.

However, it can be argued that rather than consumers, the largest beneficiary will be enterprises. For them 5G offers the potential for new ways of increasing productivity and reducing costs. 5G also promises innovative new services from third parties or telecoms providers themselves that benefit consumers and businesses alike. Serving an expanding Internet of things, mobile edge computing, private mobile networks, differentiated services, and fixed wireless access, are all facilitated by 5G.

Many of these facilities depend on a standalone implementation of 5G but the majority of 5G mobile services currently available rely on bolting on a 5G radio access network to an existing LTE core network.

The challenge for service providers is to weigh up the potential of new services for enterprises against the cost of implementing a 5G core network. Educating those enterprises of 5G’s features and capabilities will also be necessary.
PTT’s contribution to 5G training includes the launch of two new online courses:

New 5G online courses
PTT is pleased and proud to announce the release of two new courses that provide an in-depth coverage of the features and operation of 5G mobile systems including the co-existence of, and operation with, LTE (4G) systems:

4G and 5G radio access networks
Advanced mobile systems