On the 29th of June 2007, Apple launched the first iPhone. Although the iPhone was not the first smartphone, its innovative user interface became the template for the design of the phones that we depend on today.
Right from the start, the device had the full-colour, multi-touch screen and had the same basic interface still in use today, from pinch-to-zoom to inertial scrolling on lists. It looked like nothing else, and sold a million units in just over two months.
The first iPhone, however, lacked the high-speed connectivity we take for granted now. It relied on the second generation mobile systems available at the time and used GPRS/EDGE technology. The App store, perhaps a major influence on the iPhone’s success was not launched until a year later.
Another birthday – the 999 emergency service was launched 80 years ago in London although the rest of the UK could not call 999 to reach the police, fire or ambulance services until after the end of the second world war. Most emergency calls are now made from mobile phones.
PTT offers online courses covering all aspects of mobile communications including those that provide an introduction to mobile technology.