© Formactual Projects Ltd t/a PTT



Protecting IP route discovery

February 23rd, 2017

One of the key features of the Internet is its ability to dynamically adjust to network changes, ensuring messages reach their destination even when link failures occur.

Even though route discovery is a critical facility of IP networks, the subject is often regarded as wizardry with its secrets closely guarded by a select few.

Yet understanding the role and operation of route discovery protocols is necessary for all those who are responsible for ensuring the reliability and security of IP networks.

One often neglected aspect of the route discovery process is its vulnerability to misuse by those with malicious or fraudulent intent.

PTT’s online course covering “IP routing” provides a clear yet detailed guide to the operation and facilities of route discovery protocols. This interactive course has recently been updated and expanded to explain how the security of the routing process can be improved.


Considering security

October 19th, 2016

The cost of cyber-crime to individuals and businesses is increasing year on year. The UK insurance company Lloyds has estimated the costs of cyber-attacks to businesses worldwide at $400 billion a year.

Telecoms companies are not immune to online theft of customers’ personal information and the risk of disabling attacks on their infrastructure.

The provision of cloud services that store customers’ data has amplified the risks as have the inclusion of software driven elements in telecoms networks. The use of nomadic telecoms services further increases the potential for malicious activity.

Protecting the integrity of data and the infrastructure has many strands, beginning with increasing staff awareness to best practice regarding protecting data.

There are also, of course, technological measures that can impede hacking attempts. The consideration of the potential vulnerabilities of any particular technology to attack should be integral to its implementation.

With this in mind, PTT’s online course covering “IP networks” has been revised to include reference to the security aspects of the various protocols and systems that transport data over the Internet, local area networks and telecoms networks.

And the recently released PTT courses covering “Ethernet networks” and “Advanced Ethernet networks” include explanations of security measures in both wired and wireless local area networks.


Local area networks

September 15th, 2016

Local area networks allow us to communicate and access information in our homes and in our places of work. First developed in the 1970s, Ethernet technology is used in most of these networks and has been improved over the years to meet the ever increasing demand for high speed communications.

PTT’s new suite of four courses cover various aspects of Ethernet local area networks (LANs). The online courses are aimed at those responsible for network design, installation and maintenance:

EBA: “Ethernet fundamentals” introduces the principles of operation of Ethernet local area networks.

EBB: “Structured cabling” describes the structure, installation requirements and testing of cabling systems employed in local area networks.

EBC: “Ethernet networks” gives more detail about the operation of both fixed line and wireless Ethernet networks with reference to their address schemes, protocols, and security methods.

EBD: “Advanced Ethernet networks” describes methods of enhancing the security of Ethernet local area networks (LANs), the role and facilities of network management and testing tools, and the wide area network services that provide connections between remote LANs.