© Formactual Projects Ltd t/a PTT



Next generation access

January 6th, 2015

As consumers of online services, we expect ever higher broadband speeds. For service providers, the challenge is to meet our expectations while keeping installation and maintenance costs to a minimum.

Several technologies that are available now or are on the immediate horizon promise the way forward for fixed line broadband services. These include G.fast and TWDM PONs.

PTT’s new online course TCD: “Next generation access networks” explains the principles, capabilities and applications of the technologies that will underpin tomorrow’s broadband services.

The browser version of this course can be accessed on your computer. Alternatively download the learntelecoms App to study the course on a tablet (Android or iPad).


Accredited online study programme

October 15th, 2014

PTT is proud to announce that its innovative online training solution “Level 3 Award in Principles of Telecommunications” has been accredited by NCFE.

NCFE accreditation gives assurance that the content of the programme is of a high standard and meets the rigorous quality assurance requirements of a national awarding organisation.

The award programme is ideal for those joining the telecoms industry in a technical role and can be completed without having to attend a college or other training centre.

The programme consists of a combination of interactive courses, tutor support and assessment all delivered online. Successful participants will receive a certificate of achievement from NCFE.

More information >>


Faster speeds over copper

September 25th, 2014

In their drive to offer faster broadband access over telephone lines, operators are turning to VDSL2. PTT’s course DMB “DSL systems” has been updated to cover the impact of VDSL2 on the protocols and equipment in the operator’s network, in particular the extended role of Ethernet VLANs.

This course also discussed other techniques that maximise access speeds including dynamic spectrum management.

PTT’s courses are regularly updated to ensure their relevance as this course update demonstrates. Watch this space for news of more course updates or email info@ptt.co.uk to receive our newsletters.