New WiMAX course
August 22nd, 2013
WiMAX is promoted as offering an affordable solution for high-speed fixed and mobile broadband. The standards for WiMAX have been under continuing development over the last few years. The latest WiMAX Advanced specifications meet the ITU criteria for 4G mobile systems that will serve the requirements of mobile users of multimedia services.
The latest version of PTT’s online course covering WiMAX introduces the principles and applications of WiMAX and discusses the latest developments as well as the relationship between WiMAX and competing technologies such as LTE. Click here for details
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Telecoms for managers course
May 23rd, 2013
As with any industry, telecommunications has its own terminology, co-operative and regulatory organisations, and commercial considerations. PTT’s new, and unique online course for the first time provides an overview of telecommunications that considers these issues.
The PTT course TMA: “Telecoms for managers” also introduces the infrastructure and services provided by modern telecommunications systems while keeping technical details to a minimum.
This course is an ideal introduction for those joining the industry in a managerial or other non-technical role. The course is also suitable for those working in a particular technical specialisation who want an appreciation of other aspects of telecoms service provision.
More information about this course is available here >>
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Happy birthday to mobile phones
April 3rd, 2013
The first cellular radio mobile phone call from a handheld device was made 40 years ago today, on 3 April 1973. The caller was Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola who demonstrated the device in a street while in the presence of reporters. However, it was to be several years later before the first commercial services were launched.
In 1981, the first multinational mobile cellular telephone system was developed within the Scandinavian countries of Denmark Sweden, Finland, and Norway. In 1983, Ameritech started the first American commercial cellular service in Chicago. In 1985, Cellnet and Racal-Vodafone were awarded licences to offer analogue cellular phones in the UK. These first generation mobile systems used analogue techniques and large bulky telephone handsets (commonly referred to as “bricks”).
PTT offers a range of online courses covering cellular radio. For details visit
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