© Formactual Projects Ltd t/a PTT


Need help in choosing the course or courses that are right for you?


Then please complete the form below and we will be in contact within 2 working days with suggestions for the courses you could study. You can also call 0845 0949 120 or +44 (0) 1736 759642 for advice.






Are you working (or have you worked) in the telecommunications sector?

If so what is/was your role?


Do you already have a science, engineering or telecoms related qualification?

If so what?


What do you want to achieve from studying PTT courses?
(For example, "get an appreciation of what telecoms services can do", "get a job as an installation technician", "improve my career opportunities", "learn more about mobile communications".)


What subject do you want to specialise in?
(For example, " 4G mobile systems", "broadband links", "local area networks".)


Do already know something about your chosen specialisation?
(For example, have you already studied a PTT course covering that subject?)


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